Bashar vs. Insan in the Qur'an
In the Qur'an both words are used for human being.
What is the difference between them?
The word 'Bashar' comes from 'Basharah' which means skin (Mufadat 1:124). Since human beings unlike most animals are not covered by hair and their skin is generally visible therefore the word 'Bashar' is used to refer to them. According to some of the scholars of the Arabic language 'Insan' and 'Ins' are literally from the same root as the word 'Uns', that means to become tame and familiar; opposite to being wild (Mufradat 1:94).
Inline with the above literal meaning of the two words and according to their common usage in Arabic, where the Qu'an refers to human beings as 'Bashar', the mere appearance and physical aspects of human beings are the focal point. For example look at 3:47 (Maryam says no 'Bashar' has touched her) and 12:31 (women being amazed by the beauty of Yusuf saying that he is not 'Bashar').
Again based on the above meaning and common usage of the word 'Insan', where the Qur'an uses this word to refer to human beings, the personality, qualities and non-physical features of human beings are intended. For example look at 10:12 (referring to the neglecting feature of 'Insan') and 103:2 (referring to the fact that 'Insan' is in principle in loss).
September 2013
In the Qur'an both words are used for human being.
What is the difference between them?
The word 'Bashar' comes from 'Basharah' which means skin (Mufadat 1:124). Since human beings unlike most animals are not covered by hair and their skin is generally visible therefore the word 'Bashar' is used to refer to them. According to some of the scholars of the Arabic language 'Insan' and 'Ins' are literally from the same root as the word 'Uns', that means to become tame and familiar; opposite to being wild (Mufradat 1:94).
Inline with the above literal meaning of the two words and according to their common usage in Arabic, where the Qu'an refers to human beings as 'Bashar', the mere appearance and physical aspects of human beings are the focal point. For example look at 3:47 (Maryam says no 'Bashar' has touched her) and 12:31 (women being amazed by the beauty of Yusuf saying that he is not 'Bashar').
Again based on the above meaning and common usage of the word 'Insan', where the Qur'an uses this word to refer to human beings, the personality, qualities and non-physical features of human beings are intended. For example look at 10:12 (referring to the neglecting feature of 'Insan') and 103:2 (referring to the fact that 'Insan' is in principle in loss).
September 2013