Halal Meat Problem in Non Muslim Countries
Dear Sir,
One of my friends working in Korea. He finds Halal meat like beef,chicken etc but without takbeer. Is it allowed to eat that?
According to my revised view, any meat that comes from religiously consumable animal can be eaten unless it has been slaughtered for deities other than the one God.
I agree with the argument of Imam Shafi'i that saying the name of God when slaughtering is sunnah, and that not saying it per se does not make the meat haram for consumption.
December 2013
Revised 2016
Dear Sir,
One of my friends working in Korea. He finds Halal meat like beef,chicken etc but without takbeer. Is it allowed to eat that?
According to my revised view, any meat that comes from religiously consumable animal can be eaten unless it has been slaughtered for deities other than the one God.
I agree with the argument of Imam Shafi'i that saying the name of God when slaughtering is sunnah, and that not saying it per se does not make the meat haram for consumption.
December 2013
Revised 2016