Asalam-o-alaikum, I just stumbled upon a few campaigns on the internet that talked about Gay and Lesbian rights in Islam and some of those campaigns are very active worldwide. There are several books published by Muslim gay authors too on the subject which has made me more curious to ask this question. As a Muslim, what should be my stance towards gays and lesbians in general? Since, science (and my own personal experience on meeting a few gays) has proved that people are born gay and the sexual orientation is not acquired, how should a gay or lesbian lead his/her life according to Islam since sex with the same gender is strictly forbidden? Also, shouldn't we as good Muslims lend our unconditional love and support to such people who lead a very difficult life (like transvestites) with no fault of their own? I should be very grateful for the clarification of the matter. Thank you.
Abdullah Rahim
Marh 2014
Asalam-o-alaikum, I just stumbled upon a few campaigns on the internet that talked about Gay and Lesbian rights in Islam and some of those campaigns are very active worldwide. There are several books published by Muslim gay authors too on the subject which has made me more curious to ask this question. As a Muslim, what should be my stance towards gays and lesbians in general? Since, science (and my own personal experience on meeting a few gays) has proved that people are born gay and the sexual orientation is not acquired, how should a gay or lesbian lead his/her life according to Islam since sex with the same gender is strictly forbidden? Also, shouldn't we as good Muslims lend our unconditional love and support to such people who lead a very difficult life (like transvestites) with no fault of their own? I should be very grateful for the clarification of the matter. Thank you.
Abdullah Rahim
Marh 2014