Reading the Fajr (Morning) Prayer Just before the Sunrise
Could you please guide if we should or is it advisable to start saltul fajr if there are few minutes left before sunrise.
The advice against reading prayers during certain times, like when sun is rising, is really about the voluntarily prayers and does not include obligatory prayers. This means if you have only a few minutes till sunrise, even if you know that part of your Fajr prayer will take place during the sunrise, you still need to read it immediately rather than leaving it for after the sunrise.
February 2013
Could you please guide if we should or is it advisable to start saltul fajr if there are few minutes left before sunrise.
The advice against reading prayers during certain times, like when sun is rising, is really about the voluntarily prayers and does not include obligatory prayers. This means if you have only a few minutes till sunrise, even if you know that part of your Fajr prayer will take place during the sunrise, you still need to read it immediately rather than leaving it for after the sunrise.
February 2013