Sakinah (Tranquillity)
Salaam bro,
My queries are :
1. After reading tazkiyah point 3 , what I understand ( please correct me if I am wrong) is that we have faith and patience. Sakinah is a manifestation of both and the name of the feeling of calmness that prevails in the heart as a consequence.
2. Surah Fatah mentions sakina multiple times , this in relation to a specific incident of the treaty of Hudeibiyah. Why has Quran stressed upon sakinah on this particular issue.
1. That is correct in my understanding.
2. The sakinah that I wrote about in tazkiyah point 3 refers to an established state of mind and spirit that brings a general peace and calmness to the person. The sakinah that is referred to in verses 9:26,40; 48:4,18, 26 is in principle the same concept however in these verses it refers to a special blessing of the Almighty towards the believers to achieve a state of sakinah that could help them in a specific extra ordinary challenge that they had to go through as the chosen nation of God. So for instance when we read in 9:26 that God sent sakinah to the prophet (pbuh) and the believers in the battlefield of Hunain it does not mean that the prophet (pbuh) and his companions who attended the battlefield of Hunain did not have sakinah before this. It means that the Almighty graced them with special state of sakinah to go through the hardship of the battlefield of Hunain.
Just as rejecting a messenger of God is an extra ordinary failure and evil, willingness to help and support a messenger of God against all the odds is an extra ordinary sacrifice and loyalty. While the first brings God's wrath towards rejecters, the second brings His special attention and blessing to those believers.
November 2013
Salaam bro,
My queries are :
1. After reading tazkiyah point 3 , what I understand ( please correct me if I am wrong) is that we have faith and patience. Sakinah is a manifestation of both and the name of the feeling of calmness that prevails in the heart as a consequence.
2. Surah Fatah mentions sakina multiple times , this in relation to a specific incident of the treaty of Hudeibiyah. Why has Quran stressed upon sakinah on this particular issue.
1. That is correct in my understanding.
2. The sakinah that I wrote about in tazkiyah point 3 refers to an established state of mind and spirit that brings a general peace and calmness to the person. The sakinah that is referred to in verses 9:26,40; 48:4,18, 26 is in principle the same concept however in these verses it refers to a special blessing of the Almighty towards the believers to achieve a state of sakinah that could help them in a specific extra ordinary challenge that they had to go through as the chosen nation of God. So for instance when we read in 9:26 that God sent sakinah to the prophet (pbuh) and the believers in the battlefield of Hunain it does not mean that the prophet (pbuh) and his companions who attended the battlefield of Hunain did not have sakinah before this. It means that the Almighty graced them with special state of sakinah to go through the hardship of the battlefield of Hunain.
Just as rejecting a messenger of God is an extra ordinary failure and evil, willingness to help and support a messenger of God against all the odds is an extra ordinary sacrifice and loyalty. While the first brings God's wrath towards rejecters, the second brings His special attention and blessing to those believers.
November 2013