Note: For joining the Farsi Telegram Channel of Dr. Farhad Shafti please go to this page.
.این صفحه برای مخاطیبن به زبان انگلیسی است. برای عضویت در کانال تلگرام فارسی دکتر فرهاد شفتی لطفا به این صفحه بروید
Often my mind is engaged with some critical thoughts on understanding Islam and religion. Where I can write these I do, where there are interested people around I talk about these, and if none was possible then I would simply talk to myself about these! I thought I might be able to use social media (Telegram) to share some of these thoughts with a wider interested audience. The feedback and comments/questions that will result from this can be instrumental in revising, improving and where possible correcting my views.
Please note these messages are only of interest to those who are keen about non-orthodox, less dominant views on Islam and religion. Some of the messages may be on spiritual purification or deliberation on a verse of the Qur'an. Also some messages might be on sharing an interesting question and answer with the group.
I use Telegram App for this purpose. This is a very secure and reliable app. Your account, name and number will not be visible to the rest of the members. A Telegram Channel only allows receiving messages from the channel owner. The members do not see each other and cannot communicate with each other in the channel. You can send any questions or messages to me by using Ask Question in this website. Once you join the channel you will be able to read/listen to the previous messages as well.
If you are interested to receive these occasional Telegram audios and text messages then:
- If you don't already have it, first download and install Telegram app on your mobile (and if you wish on your computer as well)
- Then simply click on the Telegram icon below this page to go to the Exploring Islam Telegram Channel
- Choose View/Open in Telegram
- Once in the channel, please make sure you click 'Join' at the bottom of the page to keep receiving messages. You can easily Leave the channel whenever you wish by clicking on three dots at the top right corner of the page and choosing 'Leave channel'.
.این صفحه برای مخاطیبن به زبان انگلیسی است. برای عضویت در کانال تلگرام فارسی دکتر فرهاد شفتی لطفا به این صفحه بروید
Often my mind is engaged with some critical thoughts on understanding Islam and religion. Where I can write these I do, where there are interested people around I talk about these, and if none was possible then I would simply talk to myself about these! I thought I might be able to use social media (Telegram) to share some of these thoughts with a wider interested audience. The feedback and comments/questions that will result from this can be instrumental in revising, improving and where possible correcting my views.
Please note these messages are only of interest to those who are keen about non-orthodox, less dominant views on Islam and religion. Some of the messages may be on spiritual purification or deliberation on a verse of the Qur'an. Also some messages might be on sharing an interesting question and answer with the group.
I use Telegram App for this purpose. This is a very secure and reliable app. Your account, name and number will not be visible to the rest of the members. A Telegram Channel only allows receiving messages from the channel owner. The members do not see each other and cannot communicate with each other in the channel. You can send any questions or messages to me by using Ask Question in this website. Once you join the channel you will be able to read/listen to the previous messages as well.
If you are interested to receive these occasional Telegram audios and text messages then:
- If you don't already have it, first download and install Telegram app on your mobile (and if you wish on your computer as well)
- Then simply click on the Telegram icon below this page to go to the Exploring Islam Telegram Channel
- Choose View/Open in Telegram
- Once in the channel, please make sure you click 'Join' at the bottom of the page to keep receiving messages. You can easily Leave the channel whenever you wish by clicking on three dots at the top right corner of the page and choosing 'Leave channel'.