What Kind of Muslim Are You (Follow Up: Hadiths on Medical Advice)
First of all what kind of muslim are you? Astaghfirullah, when did hazrat Mohammad (pbuh) said you know the affairs of your world while the reality is my prophet (pbuh) knew the worldly affairs rules and regulations more than anybody possibly could know. He (pbuh) pointed at the moon and the moon broke in half. His (pbuhs) every word was calculated and have full effects.
He said black seed oil is cure for every disease other than death and I swear to you I put one drop in my eyes and I can read again, not just again, clearer than ever and it’s been only 5 days ma sha Allah, thus I can easily drink a bottle of poison after eating the ajwah date one morning no problem and no doubt there is no problem at all I will do it not to test but to prove it how strong my prophets word is, or get any body to do any black magic on me I swear I will not do any surah or any cure, just ajwah in the morning and until night I will drink as much poison you want me to.
Make sure you get the most deadly, and I am not just saying it, neither I’m crazy, it’s just the truth, only if you knew how much he (pbuh ) [there appears to be a missing word here in the original question] his ummah you wouldn’t doubt it then, allahumma sallae ala mohammad.
There is much emotion flowing in your question which no doubt comes from your love for the prophet (pbuh) and passion for Islam. I respect this and ask for your prayers.
However your question is based on an assumption that can easily disfigure our understanding of Islam and can even be dangerous when it is adopted by people who unlike you have ill intentions.
It is therefore important to look at these points, and even if you do not agree with them, it is important for others to notice them:
- Your first point was a question: “What kind of Muslim are you?”
I am that kind of Muslim who prefers to understand his religion by reason and evidence rather than emotion and blind following. Please note that the above question should not be only directed to me. You are actually asking this question from a good number of great scholars who considered the prophet (pbuh) to be a normal person when it comes to worldly affairs.
- You asked me: “when did hazrat Mohammad (pbuh) said you know the affairs of your world”.
If you have read my original answer carefully you would have found a hadith where this is reported from the prophet (pbuh). I quote the whole hadith here again:
In hadith numbered 2363 in the book of Muslim, as reported from both Ayesha bint Abibakr and Anas ibn Malik, the prophet (pbuh) said “you know better about the affairs of your world.”
As I wrote in my original answer, these hadiths are coming under the title:
باب وجوب امتثال ما قاله شرعا دون ما ذكره صلى الله عليه وسلم من معايش الدنيا على سيبل الرأي
"The chapter on obligation of following what he (pbuh) says related to Shar' (religion) and not what he (pbuh) says about the affairs of the world as a personal opinion."
Explaining the above, al-Nawawi writes:
قالوا : ورأيه صلى الله عليه وسلم في أمور المعايش وظنه كغيره ، فلا يمتنع وقوع مثل هذا ، ولا نقص في ذلك ، وسببه تعلق هممهم بالآخرة ومعارفها . والله أعلم .
I can also refer you to verse 18:110 that clearly says that the prophet (pbuh) was a human being like us, but one who would receive revelation (about religious matters).
- You have written: “my prophet (pbuh) knew the worldly affairs rules and regulations more than anybody possibly could know.”
If you know of any reliable evidences that proves the above statement then please do share it with me and I will reconsider and comment. However if you cannot provide that, then please do consider and observe the following verse:
قُلْ يا أَهْلَ الْكِتابِ لا تَغْلُوا في دينِكُمْ غَيْرَ الْحَقِّ وَ لا تَتَّبِعُوا أَهْواءَ قَوْمٍ قَدْ ضَلُّوا مِنْ قَبْلُ وَ أَضَلُّوا كَثيراً وَ ضَلُّوا عَنْ سَواءِ السَّبيل
Say O people of the book, do not falsely exaggerate in your religion and do not follow the desired of those people who went misguided before and misguided many and misguided from the right path (5:77)
- You seem to have confident based on your personal experience that using black seed oil cures any illness and that if you eat Ajwa dates no poison will harm you. There is absolutely no problem with this. However, you should not expect other Muslims to have the same view. I can assure you, if it was true that black seed oil would cure any illness except death, then there would have been enough good Muslim doctors to bring this to the attention of the world and rid the world from what we know today as medical science. What I know, is that even our great scholars and salaf have used medicines for their illnesses.
Please note, I am not denying the benefit of black seed oil or Ajwa date. What I am saying is that this information, even though being reported from the prophet (pbuh), was based on the medical science/experience that was available at the time of the prophet (pbuh). Therefore these kinds of hadith should not stop us from benefiting from advanced medical solutions that are available at this time and age.
May God be satisfied with the family of the Prophet (pbuh) and his pious companions.
Related topics:
- Hadith on Kernel Seed
- Hadith on Eating Dates
- Hadith About Fly in The Drink
July 2015
First of all what kind of muslim are you? Astaghfirullah, when did hazrat Mohammad (pbuh) said you know the affairs of your world while the reality is my prophet (pbuh) knew the worldly affairs rules and regulations more than anybody possibly could know. He (pbuh) pointed at the moon and the moon broke in half. His (pbuhs) every word was calculated and have full effects.
He said black seed oil is cure for every disease other than death and I swear to you I put one drop in my eyes and I can read again, not just again, clearer than ever and it’s been only 5 days ma sha Allah, thus I can easily drink a bottle of poison after eating the ajwah date one morning no problem and no doubt there is no problem at all I will do it not to test but to prove it how strong my prophets word is, or get any body to do any black magic on me I swear I will not do any surah or any cure, just ajwah in the morning and until night I will drink as much poison you want me to.
Make sure you get the most deadly, and I am not just saying it, neither I’m crazy, it’s just the truth, only if you knew how much he (pbuh ) [there appears to be a missing word here in the original question] his ummah you wouldn’t doubt it then, allahumma sallae ala mohammad.
There is much emotion flowing in your question which no doubt comes from your love for the prophet (pbuh) and passion for Islam. I respect this and ask for your prayers.
However your question is based on an assumption that can easily disfigure our understanding of Islam and can even be dangerous when it is adopted by people who unlike you have ill intentions.
It is therefore important to look at these points, and even if you do not agree with them, it is important for others to notice them:
- Your first point was a question: “What kind of Muslim are you?”
I am that kind of Muslim who prefers to understand his religion by reason and evidence rather than emotion and blind following. Please note that the above question should not be only directed to me. You are actually asking this question from a good number of great scholars who considered the prophet (pbuh) to be a normal person when it comes to worldly affairs.
- You asked me: “when did hazrat Mohammad (pbuh) said you know the affairs of your world”.
If you have read my original answer carefully you would have found a hadith where this is reported from the prophet (pbuh). I quote the whole hadith here again:
- Narrated from Talha ibn Ubaydullah: After arriving in Medina, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) passed by some people who were fecundating some date palms, so he asked them what they were doing. When they told him, he said, “I don’t think that will provide any benefit,” or in another narration, “It would be better if you didn’t do that.” So they refrained from doing it, and that year the crop was not as good. They mentioned it to him (peace and blessings be upon him), and he replied: “I am only a human: if I command you to do something in your religion, then take it; but if I tell you to do something based on personal opinion, then [realize] that I am only human,” and in another narration, “Yet if I inform you of something from Allah, then do it, for indeed I will never convey an untruth on behalf of Allah Mighty and Majestic". (Muslim, 2361)
In hadith numbered 2363 in the book of Muslim, as reported from both Ayesha bint Abibakr and Anas ibn Malik, the prophet (pbuh) said “you know better about the affairs of your world.”
As I wrote in my original answer, these hadiths are coming under the title:
باب وجوب امتثال ما قاله شرعا دون ما ذكره صلى الله عليه وسلم من معايش الدنيا على سيبل الرأي
"The chapter on obligation of following what he (pbuh) says related to Shar' (religion) and not what he (pbuh) says about the affairs of the world as a personal opinion."
Explaining the above, al-Nawawi writes:
قالوا : ورأيه صلى الله عليه وسلم في أمور المعايش وظنه كغيره ، فلا يمتنع وقوع مثل هذا ، ولا نقص في ذلك ، وسببه تعلق هممهم بالآخرة ومعارفها . والله أعلم .
- (The scholars) say: His (pbuh) opinion and speculation in affairs related to livelihood are like (i.e. as good as) others. So such happenings are not impossible and there is no defect in this, and the reason is that their (i.e. the prophet – pbuh – and the companions) efforts were towards the hereafter and knowledge related to that, and God knows best. (Nawawi, Sharh al-Muslim, 503).
I can also refer you to verse 18:110 that clearly says that the prophet (pbuh) was a human being like us, but one who would receive revelation (about religious matters).
- You have written: “my prophet (pbuh) knew the worldly affairs rules and regulations more than anybody possibly could know.”
If you know of any reliable evidences that proves the above statement then please do share it with me and I will reconsider and comment. However if you cannot provide that, then please do consider and observe the following verse:
قُلْ يا أَهْلَ الْكِتابِ لا تَغْلُوا في دينِكُمْ غَيْرَ الْحَقِّ وَ لا تَتَّبِعُوا أَهْواءَ قَوْمٍ قَدْ ضَلُّوا مِنْ قَبْلُ وَ أَضَلُّوا كَثيراً وَ ضَلُّوا عَنْ سَواءِ السَّبيل
Say O people of the book, do not falsely exaggerate in your religion and do not follow the desired of those people who went misguided before and misguided many and misguided from the right path (5:77)
- You seem to have confident based on your personal experience that using black seed oil cures any illness and that if you eat Ajwa dates no poison will harm you. There is absolutely no problem with this. However, you should not expect other Muslims to have the same view. I can assure you, if it was true that black seed oil would cure any illness except death, then there would have been enough good Muslim doctors to bring this to the attention of the world and rid the world from what we know today as medical science. What I know, is that even our great scholars and salaf have used medicines for their illnesses.
Please note, I am not denying the benefit of black seed oil or Ajwa date. What I am saying is that this information, even though being reported from the prophet (pbuh), was based on the medical science/experience that was available at the time of the prophet (pbuh). Therefore these kinds of hadith should not stop us from benefiting from advanced medical solutions that are available at this time and age.
May God be satisfied with the family of the Prophet (pbuh) and his pious companions.
Related topics:
- Hadith on Kernel Seed
- Hadith on Eating Dates
- Hadith About Fly in The Drink
July 2015