Why Did God Create Satan?
Why did God create Satan?
Satan was a Jinn and God created Jinn and Human being, both with free will, only to worship Him. Just as there are human beings that go astray, there are also Jinns that go astray. Satan was a Jinn that went astray excessively.
The above is based on the literal information given in the Qur'an. I do not rule out the possibility that part or some aspects of the narrative os satan might be among the ambiguous verses of the Qur'an (mutishabihat) and therefore symbolic rather than literal.
Why did God create Satan?
Satan was a Jinn and God created Jinn and Human being, both with free will, only to worship Him. Just as there are human beings that go astray, there are also Jinns that go astray. Satan was a Jinn that went astray excessively.
The above is based on the literal information given in the Qur'an. I do not rule out the possibility that part or some aspects of the narrative os satan might be among the ambiguous verses of the Qur'an (mutishabihat) and therefore symbolic rather than literal.