Why Paying Interest Is Not Haram (follow up 1)?
The answer given sounds so distorted.
Facilitating Riba is Haram.
Yet paying Riba is Halal.
Paying RIBA is Facilitating as your making the system stay alive.
I understand your point of view. However in my view there is a tremendous difference between facilitating riba and paying riba. The person who facilitates riba likes the riba system to exist and continue because this is his source of income. This is why we say he 'facilitates it'. However the person who pays riba does that out of being helpless, he never wishes the riba system to continue. He is 'using' the riba system but is not facilitating it. I therefore hold my view that paying riba is not haram.
Consider this. If you are living in any civilised country today, by your understanding, every person is facilitating riba. What did you use to send me this question? Internet. Your internet provider uses bank facilities and banks are based on interest. So then by your own thinking your are facilitating riba system!
Also note according to my revised view, only that interest is riba that is usury. I therefore do not consider the regulated bank interest to be riba anyway. You can find references to read about this view here.
Related Topics:
- Why Paying Interest Is Not Haram (follow up 2)?
- Why Paying Interest Is Not Haram?
Farhad Shafti
December 2017
The answer given sounds so distorted.
Facilitating Riba is Haram.
Yet paying Riba is Halal.
Paying RIBA is Facilitating as your making the system stay alive.
I understand your point of view. However in my view there is a tremendous difference between facilitating riba and paying riba. The person who facilitates riba likes the riba system to exist and continue because this is his source of income. This is why we say he 'facilitates it'. However the person who pays riba does that out of being helpless, he never wishes the riba system to continue. He is 'using' the riba system but is not facilitating it. I therefore hold my view that paying riba is not haram.
Consider this. If you are living in any civilised country today, by your understanding, every person is facilitating riba. What did you use to send me this question? Internet. Your internet provider uses bank facilities and banks are based on interest. So then by your own thinking your are facilitating riba system!
Also note according to my revised view, only that interest is riba that is usury. I therefore do not consider the regulated bank interest to be riba anyway. You can find references to read about this view here.
Related Topics:
- Why Paying Interest Is Not Haram (follow up 2)?
- Why Paying Interest Is Not Haram?
Farhad Shafti
December 2017